

Mesotherapy is a medical procedure for aesthetic purposes that was first applied by Dr. Michel Pistor in 1952. Mesotherapy is used worldwide in the treatment of skin rejuvenation, anti-aging, regional slimming, cellulite, stretch marks, blemishes, scars, hair treatment, acute and chronic pain, sports injuries, and various skin diseases. Mesotherapy shows its effect by stimulating structures such as collagen and elastin under the skin. In this way, blood circulation, lymphatic circulation and immune response in that area are regulated.
It is the technique of applying vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes alone or usually as a mixture to the middle layer of the skin by microinjection. The substances to be injected are selected according to the person and his/her wishes.

Which Diseases Can Be Cured with Mesotherapy?

  • Hair Loss Treatments

PRP treatment is one of the most effective methods to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. PRP Treatment can also be used in combination with treatments such as ORY Protocol and Mesotherapy.

  • Fibromyalgia

If you feel like you haven’t slept when you wake up in the morning despite getting enough sleep at night, mesotherapy is a very effective method for you.

  • Under-Eye Circles and Under-Eye Bags

Mesotherapy is one of the most effective among many different treatment methods for under-eye circles and under-eye bags.

  • In Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

Mesotherapy is an effective treatment method for signs of aging and sagging that occur on the skin over time and under the influence of environmental factors.

  • Blemish Treatments Like Sunspots

One of the most effective methods to get rid of many spots on your skin, such as sun spots, is mesotherapy.

  • Cellulite and Skin Stretch Marks

Mesotherapy is an effective treatment method to eliminate cellulite and stretch marks on the skin.

  • Sports Injuries

It is possible to heal many sports injuries quickly with mesotherapy.

  • Regional Slimming

With mesotherapy, you can achieve a slimming of up to 9 cm in areas where you cannot lose weight even in the first session.

Stages of Mesotherapy


Liquid is injected into the areas requiring application with small needles.


Recovery begins with the first session.


The application can continue as long as it is deemed necessary.



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